Thank you!

She Wrote It

My photo
Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
A Personal Wellness Coach who loves Herbalife strawberry shake as healthy breakfast. I've lost 16kgs and improved my skin. I help people to lose weight, gain weight and improve health.



heyy! i wonder how people can only judge other people based on materialistics?
oke, we are human being somehow, and we have lust.
soo, do we need to have a something-called FRIENDSHIP relying on what-we-called PRICE TAG?

okayy.totally i would say NO.
I be friend with anyone, anybody, and any people.
aaaaannnd, i am NOT be friend with them as they are "ommaigaaaddd they are hot setaff!"

ok fine

tutup cerita.

so, as it was going to be the end of the semester, we had our farewell party!

a theme of Exclusive & Elegance

that's me, wearing all grey stuff!
that's intan wearing a beautiful black chiffon gown!
that's my merangkap roomate, teslmate, soulmate, jusmate5,  (hehehe)
fadh is wearing a gorgeous lavender dress!

*thanks to eyesnapshot*

so, again i've made my performance (jyeahh!)
and again, it was the PRICE TAG song.
I did sang the acoustic version covered by Maddi Jane,
*maaf kawan2 suara aku dah macam katak panggil hujan mlm tu haaa*

tgk sajaa, jgn komen >,<

P/s : bux is having too much feeling singing this song without realizing she's got spotted by many cameras -,-
okayy sorry then muka burukk ==,

i love this part of lyric :

"Why is everybody so obsessed
Money can't buy us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we'll be feeling Alright.."

i'm not pointing this out to somebody or someone,
butttttt (pesal aku suka mencarut ni weh)

Lu Pikir La Seniri!


*nak tgk Secret garden nih*


tiba tiba rinduu.
sangaaat rindu.

aku rindu.
aku menunggu.

Tuhan Tahu Segalanya...

Hendak diluahkan tapi tak sampai..
Hendak di tegur, takut terasa di hati..
Hendak di marah, takut dibenci..
Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih..


yes, i'm a director, a master, a leader, a lord, and yet i'm the power of all.
but then who am i without you-so all of you!

Amanah kita, tanggungjawab kita- dan itulah apa yang aku rasa.

Terasa bagaikan seketul batu terhempap di kepala..
Terasa bagaikan segunung beban terpikul di bahu..
Terasa bagaikan selautan harapan terselit di dada..

Ohh tuhan , adakah aku mampu melakukannya? Aku seorang wanita yang lemah hati budinya, aku seorang perempuan yang tidak sekuat yang disangka, dan aku hanyalah seorang gadis yang tidak mampu menakhodakan segalanya, tanpa mereka, yang digelar sang arjuna.

Aku mahukan yang terbaik, agar semua hati senang dan gembira, tapi kesabaranku ada hadnya. Bukan mudah menguruskan manusia, apatah lagi, lain orang lain ragamnya...

Ada benarnya kata kata si dia, "ada hikmahnya awak dilantik menjadi direktor, mungkin yang lain tiada apa yang ada dalam diri awak..dan Dia tahu, awak boleh menakhodakan pelayaran tersebut walaupun sebagai seorang wanita...percayalah"

aku terkedu.


"Dear myself, u are strong since u were born Sacrifised all what u had. people are always like that, stop mumbling, ignore what they had done. what is the most important, is polish them until they have really succeded what they have to be. Don't give up and never loose hope, one day they will realized what u had done to them although it was really really tough and yet, it hurts. Keep on going and do the best till the end. I know you can do it. "
